Friday, November 18, 2016

First, a 'Welcome', Then some Info!

Firstly, Welcome to the new blog!  About 5 years ago I started a blog called "JJWTrains" to practice my writing skills, share my thoughts on the hobby, and showcase my models.  However, after 5 years the direction of my hobby has changed somewhat.  Rather than having a massive blog featuring trains from all over the country, I decided it was time to settle down and start on a focused project, and that's when it was decided that I would start a new blog with a different vision.

Rather than focusing on many railroads, the Crown Peak Logging Co. will focus on a very special region of Montana known as the Crown of the Continent.  Home to the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex, Glacier National Park, Swan Lake, Bigfork, and Flathead Lake, the Crown sits at the top of the world, hosting to headwaters to the Columbia and Missouri Rivers, which in turn feeds and drains water to half the Continent!

This blog will focus on the history and geography of the region. "But wait, what about the trains", you say?  Don't worry, there will be plenty of that here in the form of a new On30 project known as the Crown Peak Logging Company!  Rather than heavily researching a prototype, I'll be drawing inspiration from the region's rich logging history and applying that to my own railroad, my own brand, and my own vision of what the Crown of the Continent is.

--James W.

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